EZTrader Review


EZTrader Review
EZTrader is a pioneer in the online binary trading options. While they got off to a rocky start at their inception back in 2008, a takeover by WGM and a vast array of improvements have shown that they were a force to be reckoned with. They are known for their platform and its ease of use.

EZTrader Review


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EZTrader has a large following and their custom platform is so simple that virtually anyone can use it.  This broker is a great place to conduct trading of binary options. They have been around long enough to know what works and what doesn’t and are always working to improve their site.


US Traders and Languages

Located in Cyprus, this broker allows US traders to utilize their site. They offer services in several languages, including English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese and Turkish. This site is very user friendly for any US trader.



EZ Trader opened its doors in 2008. Their concept was well received, but due to a great deal of complaints and user problems, they were not instantly successful. When Win Global Markets or WGM took over in 2011, things began to improve dramatically. Located in the country of Cyprus, this company has been constantly working and improving the shortcomings that plagued them at their inception. They are currently not a regulated company due to their location. They have begun to see increased growth and the new company seems to have made a website that people can feel comfortable and confident about trading binary options.



Different from other binary options brokers, this site retains a unique platform that they own. The advantage of this platform is that it is easy to operate and very user friendly. This platform has recently drawn new binary traders to their site in record numbers. One of the main improvements to the trading platform was the reduction in the lockout time. While the lockout time used to be 15 minutes, reducing it to 5 has been a positive change for the site.


Web-Desktop-Mobile-Virtual Trading


This company has a web based platform that is able to be easily utilized in several languages. Recently, they released a smartphone application called “EZMOBILE”, which was met with great success. This application allows traders to take their binary options trading to a new level. While they only have desktop trading at this time, it is doubtful with the personalized web platform, that they will ever consider that option. They do not offer virtual trading at this time.



Currently, this site is just focused on two trading  strategies. They offer the following types:


•Take Profit


Expiry Times

Their expiring times are rather short. The reason for the shorter times is due to the fact that the options are based out of the United States and there is a short window of hours that these items can be traded. They offer:

•1 Hour

•1 Day

•1 Week



They have more than 48 assets that can be purchased. With this site, those who choose to invest have many choices. They are:

• Commodities-4 pair

• Currencies-9 pairs

• Indices-9 Various

• Stocks-26 options




On average, a trader can expect to receive 75%-85% payouts on their trades, though the site claims a 95% payout. On average, it appears to take about one week for traders to get their money back through withdrawals, which is an industry, standard.


Min/Max Trade Amount-Deposit

EZTrader has a minimum of $30 on the first trade and $10 for each additional trade after that. To open an account with this broker, it is a minimum of a $200 deposit. Unlike other traders, the minimum deposit must be paid through credit card or PayPal. All funds are in US Dollars at this time. After the initial deposit, a trader can use their credit card, a Wire Transfer, PayPal or Money Bookers.



While this company does not have quite the research setup of some others, they do have a few good resources. On their main webpage they have a couple of tabs that can be very helpful. The education tab and the magazine tab are full of information about trading binary options on their site. The how to trade tab also gives screen shots and a play by play from signing up, to the actual trading process.


Customer Service

They have a great customer service department that is multilingual. Reviews show that they are generally easily accessible and eager to help. Their customer service lines are open 24 hours a day. They have several customer service numbers to contact them with, they are:

646-666-9677 (USA)

020-3287-8456 (UK)

03-9005-5622 (Australia)

973-800-19-900 (Bahrain)


They also utilize a virtual chat that is also open 24 hours a day and they can also be reached by email. There is no reason why a trader should have a problem getting help when they need it. The staff is not only trained with site issues and technical support, but they also can help with trading strategies.


Recommended For

This site is great for anyone who chooses to trade in binary options. Those who are new to this arena of binary trading will enjoy the simplified process and the ease of use. They are one of the longest in operation in binary options and one of the trusted brokers in this type of trading.


Specials/Notable Mentions/Awards

This site has a great special for new traders. If a customer opens an account and places at least $400 in it, they will receive an extra bonus of $125 cash. This easy to use platform has not only got then a great deal of attention from users, but they have won awards as well. The user friendly options allows for great binary trading that is fun and simple for even the common person to understand.

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EZTrader Overview

EZTrader Trading Area

EZTrader Trading Platform

EZTrader How to Trade

EZTrader How to Trade 2

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Three Steps

eztrader-3 steps

EZ Mobile

eztrader-ez mobile

Live Payout

eztrader-live payout






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