Guy Cohen states that with Illuminati Trading system you can make as much as $4,937 in as little as half an hour a day. What’s more these figures can be achieved whether the option price rises or falls. While such claims might seem incredible, Cohen has a well established reputation in the trading industry, which makes further inspection of them worthwhile. Read the review below to learn more about this home-study course.
Illuminati Trader Review
The Illuminati Trader is no longer offered but you can click on the links below and learn about Guy Cohen’s other products and services. I recommend Flag Trader, The Private Traders Club or the Ovi-FlagTrader Combo.
Flag Trader
The Private Traders Club
Ovi-FlagTrader Combo
In this review we will examine what exactly Illuminati Trader is and what you receive when you purchase the course. We will also detail some of the pros and cons of this system so that you can make an informed decision as to whether it is right for you.
What is Illuminati Trader?
Illuminati Trader is a home study system created by expert trader Guy Cohen. Cohen claims that this system can produce profits whether the market rises or falls. The primary training package consists of 10 Illuminati Trader training CDs. On these video CDs you are taken through the Illuminati Trading system from start to finish. You also gain access to a number of other tools including:
• The straddle strategy analyzer
• The strangle strategy analyzer
• The Illuminati trade finder application
• Telephone and email support
Who is Guy Cohen?
Guy Cohen is highly regarded options trader, speaker and teacher. Along with Illuminati Trader he is also responsible for a number of other trading courses including Trade the Bank, Flag Trader and The Private Traders Club, OVI-FlagTrader Combo. He has also written a number of bestselling books on trading including Options Made Easy and the Bible of Options Strategies. Cohen earned a finance MBA from Cass Business School in London.
Pros of Illuminati Trader
• It doesn’t require a large amount of time: Some options trading systems are effective but aren’t practical for all traders. If someone is working a full time job they will not be able to monitor the markets constantly in order to make split second decisions. The Illuminati system can be used in as little as half an hour day. In fact as Cohen points out it is more effective when used only during specific periods of the year.
• Doesn’t require a large amount of capital: Cohen has designed Illuminati trader with the small trader in mind. It does not require a large amount of initial capital in order to get started with the Illuminati trading system.
• Make money on both up and down moves: One of the most interesting features of the Illuminati Trader system is that you can make money whether the options move up or down. When these trades are correctly selected there is virtually no way of losing money on the trade.
• Full training and software: The educational training videos provided are very high quality and teach you everything you need to know to use the Illuminati trading system. The software takes the hard work out of implementing the system and evaluating the trades it recommends.
Cons of Illuminati Trader
• High price tag: At just over a thousand dollars Illuminati Trader is not cheap. Before purchasing you should be sure that you are going to implement the system and take action.
• Most profitable during specific periods: Without giving too much away the Illuminati trading system is only effective during specific trading windows. The kinds of profits that Cohen has produced are generally only available if you trade during these specific times.
What kind of support is offered?
When you purchase Illuminati Trader you get access to a free telephone helpline. You are able to call this helpline as many times as you like to receive help implementing the system.
If you are looking for a straight forward step by step system to make money trading options then you will want to give Illuminati Trader serious consideration. Guy Cohen is a well-regarded figure in the options trading community, with a good track record of success. While Illuminati Trader is expensive, it is potentially a highly effective system when followed correctly.
Check-out: OVI-FlagTrader Combo