Market Timer Algorithm

Market Timer and Wealth Path System

Mareket Timer Algortithm
Mareket Timer Algortithm

Market Timer Algorithm
In addition to their monthly membership Market Tamer also offers two other systems to improve your trading success. The Market Timer uses a proprietary algorithm which analyzes thousands of stocks on a daily basis and identifies potentially profitable trades and investment strategies.

The algorithm can be customized according to an individual trader’s tolerance for risk and return goals so that it will only pick those trades that are suitable for your particular investment or trading approach.  Each day it scans 1000s of stock and returns only those stocks with:

  • The highest probability of trending up or down in the next 5 days
  • Stocks which you can trade options on
  • Stocks without earnings announcements


Wealth Path System: Path to Prosperity

Market Tamer Wealth Path System
Market Tamer Wealth Path System

The Wealth Path System is what Market Tamer refers to as your Path to Prosperity. It starts with a stated commit to financial freedom and then through a series of questions guides you to your particular tract or path to achieve that financial freedom. It draws upon the material in both the Training course and archived webinars to create a customized training program for you to follow in order to achieve your goals. There is actually more to it than this but I can’t give away all the details.

The Market Timer is usually a $299/month subscription but with this special offer you can get it for a:

One time payment of $1,997

(over $1500 off normal price and includes 2 months access to the membership site)


Three payments of $797

($1197 off normal price and 1 month access to the membership site)

Both options will get you 12 months access to the training course and 12 months access to the Market Timer algorithm.

Check it out:

Market Timer and Wealth Path System (Special Offer)

Sign up to get [amazing benefit]!